

Astronomer Leads Team Discovery of Hottest Known Planet

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Astronomer Scott Gaudi,…

Moving Toward a “Quantum Leap”

Yuan-Ming Lu, assistant professor of physics, studies properties of solid-state materials using quantum mechanics and statistical physics to better understand how electrons organize…


Celebrating Teaching, Mentoring and Scholarship

On Monday, April 3, the College of Arts and Sciences hosted its second annual Spring Recognition Ceremony, honoring the recipients of all endowed college awards and college-wide awards for…

Arts and Sciences Undergraduate Researchers Shine at 2017 Denman Forum

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Arts and Sciences…


DOE Funds Fundamental, Wide-Ranging, High-Energy Physics

The Department of Energy’s three-year, $5.65 million grant to Ohio State’s High Energy Physics Group funds the research of 13 faculty members and their postdocs and graduate students on…

A Dinosaur for Orton

Orton Geological Museum’s treasure trove of rocks, minerals and fossils supports research, teaching and outreach. All it needs now is a dinosaur.

March 1 kicks off Orton Geological Museum’s…

Chemist David Nagib

Building Better Medicine

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View all 2017 High Points…

Georges Lemaitre

It All Goes Back to the Big Bang

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Chris Orban, theoretical…

ASAS-SN Black Glow

Observing Our Night Sky Like Never Before

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View all 2017 High Points…