


Ten Arts and Sciences experts take stage at TEDxOhioStateUniversity event

Every spring semester, TEDxOhioStateUniversity hosts an event featuring Ohio State students, faculty, staff and alumni who leverage their…

Quantum bits inside of a quantum computer

Arts and Sciences co-investigators support project to create quantum bits with rare-earth ions

Quantum information science (QIS) research isn’t new on Ohio State’s campus. However, a recent Catalyst Grant through the President's Research Excellence program to develop novel quantum bits for…

Tanya Berger-Wolf, animal images

Using AI, machine learning to confront biodiversity loss


Tanya Berger-Wolf takes photos of wildlife from atop a Land Rover at Mpala Research Centre in Kenya.

Tanya Berger-Wolf was skeptical.…

Laura Lopez

Astronomy’s Lopez recognized by American Astronomical Society

The High Energy Astrophysics Division (HEAD) of the American Astronomical Society has awarded Laura Lopez, an associate professor in the Department of Astronomy, the 2022 Early Career Prize…

Beverly Moss

Beverly Moss continues to make an impact with community writing

The immense dedication Beverly Moss has expressed for community writing over more than three decades has earned her the 2021 Distinguished Engaged Scholar in Community Writing Award from…

Illustration with food and coffee

Programs provide informal settings for students to get to know their instructors

Ever want to sit down and chat with one of your favorite instructors over lunch? With the Take Your Professor to Lunch program, undergraduate students in the College of Arts and Sciences have…

Four Arts and Sciences scientists named AAAS Fellows

From left: Bear Braumoeller, Joshua Goldberger, Michael Annan Lisa and Harvey Miller.

The 2021 class of Fellows of the American Association…

Kristina Sessa

Sessa awarded National Endowment for the Humanities grant

Kristina Sessa, a professor in the Department of History, was awarded a National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) grant, which recognizes and supports humanities initiatives, innovative digital…

books illustration

Ring in the New Year with Arts and Sciences faculty's books from 2021

Whether you’re looking for your next favorite book or just want to show some support to Arts and Sciences faculty, we have some great suggestions for your next read. On this list, you’ll find a…