Arts and Sciences Graduate Programs Rank Among Nation’s Top

Five graduate disciplines within the College of Arts and Sciences are newly ranked among the nation’s top, according to U.S. News & World Report’s 2017 edition of “America’s Best Graduate Schools.”
These five graduate programs and specialty areas join 16 others in the College of Arts and Sciences that are currently ranked.
Every year, U.S. News & World Report ranks graduate programs in business, education, engineering, law, nursing and medicine. Other programs are ranked on a rotating schedule; this year, programs evaluated included those in fine arts, health-related fields and public affairs.
Fine arts at Ohio State is ranked 33 for 2017, and ceramics, an emphasis area in the Department of Art, is ranked 4.
Ohio State’s graduate program in audiology is ranked 9, and speech-language pathology is ranked 17. Both programs are housed in the Department of Speech and Hearing Science.
Clinical psychology, a program of the Department of Psychology, is ranked 36.
The full list of active U.S. News rankings within the arts and sciences includes a top-ranked social psychology specialty, and, in political science, specialties ranked in the top 10:
Arts and Humanities
- History, 24
- English, 26
- Fine arts, 33 (specialty area: ceramics, 4)
Natural and Mathematical Sciences
- Physics, 23
- Statistics, 27
- Math, 28
- Chemistry, 31
- Earth sciences, 34
- Biological science, 42
Social and Behavioral Sciences
- Audiology, 9
- Speech-language pathology, 17
- Political science, 15 (specialty areas: international politics, 8; American politics, 10; political methodology, 10)
- Sociology, 17
- Psychology, 21 (specialty areas: social psychology, 1; clinical psychology, 36)
- Economics, 27