Andrew Martin named associate dean for undergraduate education

June 3, 2022

Andrew Martin named associate dean for undergraduate education

photo of Andrew Martin

Andrew Martin has been appointed the College of Arts and Sciences' associate dean for undergraduate education for a five-year term, effective July 1, after serving in an interim capacity for the previous year.

Martin has a distinguished record of scholarship, teaching and service to his department, the college and the university. A member of the Department of Sociology faculty since 2004, Martin studies social movements, contentious market politics and organizational theory. He is the author or co-author of more than 30 publications and a recipient of the department’s Most Outstanding Faculty Award as well as the Arts and Sciences Honors Faculty Service Award. From 2016 to 2019, Martin served as the department’s director of undergraduate studies and oversaw the creation of two new academic programs: the Bachelor of Science in sociology and the interdisciplinary certificate in diversity, equity, and inclusion. Martin also served on and co-chaired the university’s General Education Review Committee.

“I’m excited to be working on behalf of the college to support our wonderful undergraduate students and to continue moving the college forward on issues related to diversity, equity and inclusion, greater student access to high impact practices and continued leadership in the new GE curriculum," Martin said.

In 2019, Martin was appointed associate vice provost in the Office of Academic Affairs, where he supported workforce development and other curricular initiatives, worked with the Ohio Department of Higher Education on issues related to student transfer at the state level and oversaw university-wide curricular assessment. He will continue to be involved in some of this work in his college role.

As interim associate dean, Martin led the college's teams in academic enrichment, advising and academic services, career and professional success, curriculum and assessment, distance education, student programs and undergraduate recruitment. He helped prepare the college's departments for the implementation of the new GE, which will now include an expanded list of themes, and represented the college in university-level conversations about online teaching and the JobsOhio initiative.

In the months and years ahead, Martin will oversee the college's efforts to recruit more diverse students to its majors, ensure broad access to high impact practices (internships, education abroad and research experiences), reimagine the honors and scholars programs, develop new interdisciplinary majors such as leadership studies and reach new learners through online programs. 

"The others deans and I are excited about the work ahead, and we are grateful for the opportunity to continue our collaboration with Andrew," said David Horn, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. "Please join me in congratulating Andrew and thanking him for his past and future service to the college."

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