After All These Years: Ohio State’s Planetarium Has a Name

After nearly 50 years, Ohio State's legendary planetarium, hitherto known only as the OSU Planetarium, has a name.
At their April 10 meeting, the Ohio State University Board of Trustees in recognition of contributions to the College of Arts and Sciences by Gerald and Ann Newsom and David and Sheryl Price, approved the planetarium’s official new name: the Arne Slettebak Planetarium.
The Newsom and Price families wished to honor the name and legacy of Arne Slettebak, who chaired the astronomy department from 1962 to 1987 and was instrumental in establishing the original planetarium in Smith Laboratory in the late 1960s.
Ohio State astronomers are delighted that Ohio State's planetarium finally has a name and are grateful to the donors who made it possible.
"The generosity of Gerald and Ann Newsom and David and Sheryl Price will enable us to provide outstanding educational experiences for Ohio State students, local K-12 students and the general public far into the future. The Arne Slettebak Planetarium is a facility that we can all be proud of," said Bradley Peterson, professor and chair of Ohio State’s Department of Astronomy.
“A complete renovation of the planetarium began in 2013,” Peterson said. “The ‘new’ planetarium, featuring a digital Spitz SciDome XD projector, a NanoSeam projection dome and all new seating, lighting, and sound projection, is indeed a tribute to Slettebak’s leadership and vision. It is fitting that it now bears his name.”
The planetarium has offered educational programs on the night sky to Ohio State students and the central Ohio community since 1967.
Planetarium Director Wayne Schlingman was hired in July, 2014 to bump-up the Planetarium's presence and develop ways to take full advantage of the Planetarium's new capabilities. He has done just that. Since it’s reopening in late 2103, the planetarium has hosted more than 25,000 visitors.
"The donation from the Newsom and Price families is incredible," Schlingman said. "It will allow us to expand our educational reach for K-12 students in central Ohio. There is tremendous interest from teachers wanting to give their students a unique experience. We can help support them so that all central Ohio students have this wonderful opportunity to learn."
—Sandi Rutkowski