Physics (BS)

Physics (BS)


In the Department of Physics at Ohio State, our faculty and students explore a number of dynamic subfields including astrophysics; atomic, molecular and optical experiment and theory; biophysics; condensed matter experiment and theory; high energy experiment and theory; nuclear experiment and theory; and physics education.

Why choose physics?

Physics is one of the oldest natural sciences, intersecting areas of mathematics, technology and even philosophy. The study of phys­ics not only seeks to unlock the underlying laws of the universe, but also leads to breakthroughs with real-world application. A vast discipline with loose boundaries encompassing a number of fields and subfields, physics is a critical piece of the interdisci­plinary solutions necessary to tackle the major problems of today.

What can you do with this degree?

Recent Ohio State graduates have chosen many different careers, including physics, engineering, financial analysis, law, medicine, secondary education and more. Others choose to pursue a PhD in physics, which gives them top consideration for research and college-level teaching positions. This degree is particularly good preparation for work in any technical area, but many students use their critical reasoning skills to explore such diverse areas as business or law.